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раздел новостей: Графитовая электронагревательная плита;  антикоррозионный анализ микроэлементов
11.04.2023 07:04  Bing-lab /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
Наша нагревательная пластина представляет собой оборудование для разложения или кислотного привода, обычно используемое в лабораториях элементного анализа. Он изготовлен из алюминиевого сплава или графита, который быстро и равномерно нагревается. Благодаря уникальной разделенной конструкции контроллер можно разместить за пределами вытяжного шкафа, чтобы эффективно избежать коррозии кислотными газами. Тефлоновое покрытие PFA на поверхности нагревательной пластины для эффективной защиты от коррозии. Его преимуществом является гуманизированная настройка (его размер можно настроить в соответствии с требованиями лабораторного оформления). Изысканные детали: Шнур питания имеет оболочку из PFA и не имеет открытых металлических частей, что сводит к минимуму помехи для эксперимента и имеет более длительный срок службы.

/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #743639  /
Госпожа Susan Wang (Bing-lab)
Nanjing, China
Тел.: +86 18261145778
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Веб-адрес: https://www.bing-lab.com/
Специализация: Пластик, Пробирки, Пипетки
География деятельности: Китай

раздел новостей: Система очистки кислоты PFA;  Очиститель субкипящей кислоты
11.04.2023 06:37  Bing-lab /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
Name: Subboiling acid purifier

Specification: 1L, 2L

Acid production rate: 50ml/h, 70ml/h

Way of working: Through heating, temperature control, keeping the temperature of the liquid in the cavity below the boiling point, evaporating and condensing, to prepare high-purity acid

Temperature control method: LCD control box, which can control the temperature in sections, and the buzzer will always alarm if there is a bad contact

Material: PFA cavity, PTFE shell, silicone heating plate, plastic frame, the distillate only contacts high-purity PFA, no pollution

Voltage: 220V±10% 50/60Hz

Power: 400W

Highlights: Can purify many acids, HNO3, HCL, HF; Condensed by air for easy operation; Cost saving, purification of costly acid reagents in a short time to meet trace analysis requirements; Factory direct sales, worry-free after-sales; Beautiful appearance, few parts, easy installation; Possess the quality management system certification of GB/T19001-2016, idt ISO9001:2015 standard

/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #743637  /
Госпожа Susan Wang (Bing-lab)
Nanjing Binzhenghong Instrument LTD
Тел.: +86 18261145778
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Веб-адрес: https://www.bing-lab.com/
Специализация: Пластик, Пробирки, Пипетки
География деятельности: Китай

раздел новостей: Diablo 4 showers the player with loot
04.04.2023 03:25  PhyllisHeny /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
A fast-paced, loot-driven, demon-slaying experience is the theme in Diablo 4 Gold. The game has greater depth than the usual action RPG, yet it can be difficult to keep sight of it being surrounded by the roar of hellfire, explosions and the thunder of arrows. Whether grinding with one's Warband within the world of rift, or doing it on their own in the main story there's plenty to explore.

With so many things happening in Diablo 4.it's easy get caught up in mistakes. Certain of these are minor problems that can make the game tougher than it needs to be. Other issues are major and can ruin a whole run. There's nothing wrong with picking up a beefy axe and charging to the bottom of the sea however, even the most reckless adventurers are more likely to live and make more money if they avoid these fundamental mistakes.

At first it's easy to swim through a horde of skeletal soldiers, spiders, werewolves, demons, and other beasts with only minor injuries to show for the battle. As the player gets stronger, but a horde of difficult mobs and bosses will make quick work of uninformed players who aren't minding their health.

The most important part of health management is knowing when and how to treat. The player is able to use three health potions at their disposal to them. In addition, there are red health orbs that are dropped when the player kills enemies or deals injuries to bosses. Health potions function when they cool down, health orbs are absorbed back their original state, healing massive wounds and allowing the player to endure the Cheap Diablo IV Gold most devastating enemy onslaught.
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #740475  /
PhyllisHeny (PhyllisHeny)
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Специализация: другое
География деятельности: по всему миру

раздел новостей: Продажа квартир в Астане
01.04.2023 15:49  signatov05 /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
Если нужно купить квартиру в Астане, то на нашем сайте https://nedvizhimostpro.kz вы найдете хорошие варианты по выгодным ценам
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #739971  /
Игнат (signatov05)
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Веб-адрес: https://nedvizhimostpro.kz
Специализация: Другие услуги общего типа
География деятельности: по всему миру

раздел новостей: WHERE CAN I BUY COUNTERFEIT MONEY (‪whatsapp.+4474
30.03.2023 16:47  mike201319800 /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
Buy high-quality undetectable grade AA+ counterfeit money Online, real passports,id cards,drivers license

WhatsApp: Whatsapp ‪+447436442801

Genaral Support: darkmarketsuppliers@europe.com

With the COVID-19 pandemic which may trigger a global recession, we produce authentic currency bills of USD$,British Pounds£ and Euros€ with different serial numbers on each bill. We have instock the semi finish banknote substrates already engraved and designed front and back of the various currencies of each denomination. We need a partner to work with discretely to finish the production of our semi finish banknote substrates and make it legal tender on a percentage which we are going to discuss in a personal meeting in the event that you agree to work with us. We will schedule for a meeting to show you everything and discuss all details and produce samples so you can go test to confirm authenticity. All Notes will pass major test like ultra violet light, pencil test, many more fake money detection.
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #739632  /
Mike Jones (mike201319800)
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Специализация: другое
География деятельности: по всему миру

раздел новостей: The Different Types of Fildena 100 and How to Choose the Right One For You;  Medyshine
28.03.2023 07:49  medyshine /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
The generic Sildenafil citrate found in fildena 100 helps men to achieve erections quickly. It works by enhancing the smooth blood flow in male sex organs to enable them to sustain a hard erection.

It is a strong sex drive booster that can be used by anyone who wants to experience increased sex drives, libido, and a better sexual performance. It also treats impotence effectively for people who are diagnosed with erectile dysfunction and improves the quality of their sex.

Achieving the desired level of sex drive is possible by simply swallowing one whole fildena 150 tablet with a glass of water, 30 minutes before making love. It should be taken on an empty stomach before sex as it helps you get the desired sex drive faster.

Using this medicine on an empty stomach is also recommended because it allows the active ingredient, Sildenafil, to have a better effect. It also decreases the risk of side effects from this male enhancement pill.

Don’t Overdose on this ED medication!

fildena super active should be taken only as prescribed by your doctor. Overdose can result in rare side effects that can be life-threatening.
Overdose can also lead to severe drowsiness, dizziness, and other withdrawal symptoms. So, it is important to discontinue this male enhancer only after consulting your doctor.

The ED drug should be stored in a cool, dry, and dark place away from light or moisture. Never use this sex drive booster if you are allergic to Sildenafil or have any other medical conditions.
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #739132  /
medyshine (medyshine)
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Специализация: Другие биологические услуги
География деятельности: Россия, Америка, Европа, Ближний Восток, Австралия

раздел новостей: Custom Chenille Patches;  Add a Unique Touch to Your Apparel
24.03.2023 07:57  kelly21 /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
Custom chenille patchesare a popular way to add a unique touch to any apparel. They are made of a thick, soft, and fuzzy material that is perfect for showcasing logos, designs, and text. Chenille patches are commonly used on varsity jackets, letterman jackets, hoodies, and even hats.

Chenille patches are highly customizable, making them a popular choice for sports teams, clubs, and organizations. They can be made in various shapes, sizes, and colors to match the design requirements. Chenille patches are also versatile in terms of application, and they can be easily attached to any garment using iron-on, sew-on, or adhesive backing.

Custom chenille patches are not only visually appealing, but they also have a tactile appeal. The raised texture and softness of the chenille material make them stand out and add depth to any design. Additionally, chenille patches are highly durable and llong lasting making them a practical choice for any apparel.

In summary, custom chenille patches are an excellent way to add a unique and personalized touch to any apparel. They are versatile, durable, and visually appealing, making them a popular choice for sports teams, clubs, and organizations. With endless design possibilities, custom chenille patches are a great way to showcase your brand, team, or personal style.
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #738290  /
Houston TX
Тел.: 9039515430
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Специализация: Другие услуги общего типа
География деятельности: по всему миру

раздел новостей: Thủ tục xin giấy phép vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm ch
20.03.2023 11:15  Giaminh /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
Giấy phép vệ sinh toàn thực phẩm cho gia vị là một trong những giấy phép quan trọng cho các cơ sở sản xuất kinh doanh về ẩm thực, khi được cấp giấy phép thì các cơ sở kinh doanh sản xuất ẩm thực, gia vị được phép hoạt động sản xuất chế biến thực phẩm gia vị mà được cơ quan nhà nước chứng nhận đảm bảo an toàn vệ sinh thực phẩm cho người tiêu dùng. Chính vì thế việc cấp phép giấy chứng nhận vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm trở thành điều kiện bắt buộc đối với các cơ sở sản xuất chế biến gia vị thực phẩm. Bài viết dưới đây Gia Minh trình bày về những điều kiện, thủ tục, hồ sơ và trình tự thực hiện xin giấy phép vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm cho gia vị, các bạn hãy tham khảo thông tin trong bài viết dưới đây nhé.
Nguồn: https://giayphepgm.com/thu-tuc-xin-giay-phe...ham-cho-gia-vi/
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #737322  /
Gia Minh (Giaminh)
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Веб-адрес: http://giayphepgm.com/
Специализация: Сиквенаторы
География деятельности: Европа

раздел новостей: BUY PASSPORT, ((Whatsap+33751486728), DRIVER'S LIC;  doki
19.03.2023 16:16  asuar12 /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0

We are a team of professionals with many years of experience in producing passports
and other identity documents, best producers in document quality. With
more than 10 million documents circulating around the world.
We only offer high quality originals of true-false passports, permits
driver's license, identity cards, stamps, birth certificates, international diplomas
and other products for a number of countries like: USA, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Norway
Canada, Italy, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom.
This list is not complete.
To obtain additional information and place an order, simply
contact us by email or mobile.

Contact: dnispeed718@gmail.com

WhatsApp::::+33 7 51 48 67 28
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #737232  /
Spain, Madrid
Тел.: 0561054454
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Специализация: другое
География деятельности: по всему миру

раздел новостей: Биология в строительных материалах
15.03.2023 00:20  stroiteh /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
Не нашел куда разместить тему, админы перенесут. Хотелось бы узнать про биологию в производстве строительных материалов. Иначе, какие биологически полученные компоненты могут применять к примеру в строительных материалах.

Было не плохо получить счёт на оплату именно в этом формате на такой вид услуг.
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #736213  /
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Веб-адрес: http://dateh.ru
Специализация: Биологические услуги
География деятельности: Россия

раздел новостей: The history of deep-sea exploration: A timeline;  The history of deep-sea exploration
07.03.2023 00:04  LuminaSEO /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
Humans have always been fascinated by the mysteries of the deep sea. From ancient mythologies to modern-day scientific exploration, the ocean depths have remained a subject of fascination and intrigue. Here is a timeline of some of the key events in the history of deep-sea exploration. چنل دیپ دراپ

1872-1876: HMS Challenger Expedition
The first true oceanographic expedition, the HMS Challenger circumnavigated the globe and collected samples from the ocean depths. The expedition discovered thousands of new species and gave rise to the field of modern oceanography.

1930s: Bathysphere
Developed by William Beebe and Otis Barton, the bathysphere was a submersible that could take humans to depths of 3,000 feet. This marked the beginning of human exploration of the deep sea.

1953: Trieste Dive
The Trieste, a deep-sea submersible, made a record-breaking dive to the bottom of the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, the deepest point in the ocean. The dive reached a depth of over 35,000 feet and set the stage for future deep-sea exploration.

1960s-1970s: Ocean Drilling Program
The Ocean Drilling Program was established to study the geology and biology of the ocean floor. Through drilling and sampling, the program helped to expand our knowledge of the deep sea.

1977: Discovery of Hydrothermal Vents
Scientists discovered the first hydrothermal vents, ecosystems on the ocean floor that are home to unique and bizarre life forms that thrive in extreme conditions.

The 1990s: ROVs and AUVs
Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) became increasingly common, allowing for more precise and efficient exploration of the deep sea.

کانال یوتوب دیپ دراپ
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #734198  /
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Специализация: другое
География деятельности: по всему миру

раздел новостей: Football Betting Markets: A Guide to the Different;  Betting on football involves placing a w
04.03.2023 14:19  LuminaSEO /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
Football betting markets offer a wide range of options for gamblers to bet on the outcome of football matches. Understanding the different types of bets available is important for making informed betting decisions. In this article, we will provide a brief guide to the different types of football bets. شرط بندی

Moneyline Bet

Moneyline betting is the simplest and most popular type of football bet. Here, you bet on which team you think will win the game. The odds for each team are represented as a positive or negative number, with the negative number indicating the favorite and the positive number indicating the underdog.

Over/Under Bet

Also known as a totals bet, this type of bet involves wagering on the total number of goals scored in a game. The sportsbook sets a line for the total number of goals, and you can bet whether the actual number of goals scored will be over or under that line.

Point Spread Bet

A point spread bet involves betting on the margin of victory rather than the outright winner. The sportsbook sets a point spread, which is a handicap given to the favorite team. You can bet on the favorite team to win by more than the point spread, or on the underdog team to lose by less than the point spread.

Prop Bet

Proposition bets, or prop bets, are bets on specific events or outcomes within a game. For example, you can bet on which player will score the first goal or which team will score first.

Futures Bet

A futures bet involves betting on an event that will occur in the future, such as the winner of a tournament or league. The odds for futures bets are typically set well in advance of the event, allowing for potentially lucrative payouts. سایت شرط بندی
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #733774  /
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Специализация: другое
География деятельности: по всему миру

раздел новостей: Three Best Free Apps for Focused Writing
03.03.2023 12:30  adora18 /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
1. FocusWriter:
Focuswriter is a free open-source essay writing app that can be used to take notes, write texts, and compose essays on any device.
– It also includes real-time word counting, which eliminates the need to run a manual word counter whenever you want to see how far you've come.
Features a stylish, hidden look, real-time stats, spell checker and document tabs, making it a great choice for improving your essay writing if you only need one page blank to focus on his work.
– For authors, university students and other language enthusiasts, the app has an option to set milestones when writing essays.
2. Drawbacks:
– Doesn't offer much choice in format
– Its minimalist features may not be liked by writers
Ulysses is a typical writing tool that ensures the focus required when writing an essay by providing features and settings for a distraction-free space. This is one of the most intuitive essay writing apps for Ipad
– Includes a markup-based text editor, as well as a library for organizing notes and documents. Includes writing goals and publishing options for users to easily improve their essay writing.
Ulysses is ideal for short or long academic writings. It easily converts text to PDF and offers options to publish your work directly on WordPress and Medium.
– It is only compatible with Apple products.
3. Blurt
Blurt is a web based essay writing app that inspires you to write. It includes features like goal setting and tracking.
– Blurt provides a simple and less annoying user interface
– It also provides tools to create writing goals as well as an infobox to track them..
– It does not include many basic stat features.
– It does not provide an option to write in offline mode.
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #733560  /
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Специализация: Сиквенаторы
География деятельности: Англия

раздел новостей: bed sheet boxes;  the best custom boxes
28.02.2023 16:12  tbcb /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
A practical and convenient way to store and arrange your bed sheets is in bed sheet boxes. These boxes normally come in a range of sizes and forms to suit your particular requirements. They are typically composed of strong cardboard or plastic. They are made to shield your bed sheets from moisture, dust, and other elements so they stay fresh until you're ready to use them.
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #732797  /
Господин thebestcustomboxes (tbcb)
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Специализация: другое
География деятельности: по всему миру

раздел новостей: The Future of Industrial Fans;  It is also possible to categorize indust
28.02.2023 01:11  LuminaSEO /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
Industrial fans have been used in various industries for many years to move air and gases, but advancements in design and technology have brought about new developments in the field. In the coming years, industrial fans are likely to see significant improvements that will enhance their efficiency, safety, and durability. Here are some of the key advancements in design and technology that we can expect in the future of industrial fans. [url=https://quatdienvietnam.vn/]quạt công nghiệp

Smart Fans: With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine learning, industrial fans can be equipped with sensors and data analytics capabilities. This will enable them to monitor their own performance, detect issues, and make real-time adjustments to optimize their efficiency.

Energy Efficiency: Industrial fans consume a lot of energy, so there is a growing demand for more energy-efficient models. Advanced aerodynamic design and the use of lightweight materials can help to reduce energy consumption while maintaining performance.

Noise Reduction: Industrial fans can generate a lot of noise, which can be harmful to workers' hearing and affect the surrounding environment. Advanced acoustic engineering and sound-absorbing materials can help to reduce noise levels, making

Industrial fans will continue to play a crucial role in various industries, and advancements in design and technology will enable them to operate more efficiently, safely, and durably. The future of industrial fans is promising, and we can expect to see even more advancements in the coming years.
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #732581  /
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Специализация: другое
География деятельности: по всему миру

раздел новостей: The Most Durable Mobile Cases for Active Lifestyle;  when it comes to mobile phone cases for
26.02.2023 10:50  LuminaSEO /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
When it comes to mobile phone cases, durability is an essential factor to consider, especially for those with active lifestyles. Whether you are hiking, cycling, or simply running errands, you need a case that can withstand accidental drops, bumps, and scratches. In this article, we will explore some of the most durable mobile phone cases for active lifestyles. خرید قاب گوشی

OtterBox Defender Series: This is one of the most popular phone cases for people with active lifestyles. The OtterBox Defender Series is designed to protect your phone from drops, bumps, and scratches. It comes with a multi-layer protection system, including a polycarbonate shell and a synthetic rubber slipcover. This case is compatible with most phone models, including iPhone and Samsung.

LifeProof FRĒ Series: The LifeProof FRĒ Series is another popular option for people with active lifestyles. This case is designed to be waterproof, dirtproof, snowproof, and drop-proof. It comes with a built-in screen protector and a slim profile, making it easy to carry around. This case is compatible with most phone models, including iPhone and Samsung.

Spigen Tough Armor: The Spigen Tough Armor case is designed to be shock-absorbent and scratch-resistant. It features a dual-layer protection system, including a TPU sleeve and a polycarbonate shell. This case also comes with a built-in kickstand, making it easy to watch videos hands-free. It is compatible with most phone models, including iPhone and Samsung.

UAG Monarch: The UAG Monarch case is designed to be rugged and durable. It features a five-layer protection system, including a top-grain leather and alloy metal frame. This case is drop-tested to meet military standards and is compatible with most phone models, including iPhone and Samsung.
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #732203  /
E-mail: Отправить e-mail
Веб-адрес: https://mrcase.ir/
Специализация: другое
География деятельности: по всему миру

раздел новостей: Top Reliable Refrigerated Dryer for Compressed Air
22.02.2023 09:13  lingyudryer /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
Lingyu MachineryLingyu Machinery specializes in customized compressed air treatment. We have been in this industry for over 10 years. Lingyu has rich experience in production and customization. Our main product is air compressor dryer. It includs refrigerated air dryer, desiccant air dryer and filters. The pressure dew point of our refrigerated dryer can reach 3~10oC. And adsorption dryer dew point has a variety of options. It's such as -20°C, -40°C and -70°C. And we can also customize special dryers, such as explosion-proof dryer, high pressure dryer and stainless steel compressed air dryer. Among them, the high pressure dryer can reach 100bar. Stainless steel dryers are widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

In addition to traditional dryers, we have also continued to develop energy-efficient equipment. For example, we have developed mature variable frequency refrigerant air dryer, zero air consumption blower purge desiccant dryer and HOC type adsorption air dryer. They can save production companies a lot of money on electricity.

A compressed air dryer factory is a manufacturing facility that produces equipment designed to remove moisture and other contaminants from compressed air. Compressed air is commonly used in a wide range of industrial applications, from pneumatic tools and machinery to spray painting and even medical equipment. However, if the compressed air is not properly dried and filtered, it can cause damage to equipment, reduce efficiency, and even pose a safety hazard.

To prevent these issues, compressed air dryers are used to remove moisture, oil, and other contaminants from the compressed air stream. There are several different types of compressed air dryers available, including refrigerated dryers, desiccant dryers, and membrane dryers, each with its own unique advantages and applications.
/ Продам, подарю, сделаю,  #730881  /
Zhongshan Lingyu Machinery Co., Ltd
Тел.: +86-15680029983
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Специализация: Другое НЕизмерительное оборудование
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Господин Alonzo martinez (AlonzoMartinez17)
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Специализация: Измерительное оборудование, детекция и анализ, НЕизмерительное оборудование, Хим. реактивы, Среды, Ферменты и Киты, Другие услуги
География деятельности: по всему миру

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Специализация: Измерительное оборудование, детекция и анализ, НЕизмерительное оборудование, Хим. реактивы, Среды, Ферменты и Киты, Расходные материалы, Биологические услуги, Другие услуги
География деятельности: по всему миру

раздел новостей: Writing scientific articles
09.02.2023 22:15  Guest /            к началу страницы  комментарии: 0
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Alexander Chernov
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Тел.: 80333904489
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Специализация: Другие биологические услуги, Другие услуги общего типа
География деятельности: по всему миру

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